The Augustan Settlement

The Augustan Settlement had to do with Augustus’ problems.  He was in control of Rome.  However, he didn’t want to seem an whole-powerful human being to the citizens of Rome.  He used his powers, not too much of it, to do some things that are approved by the people.  

After the battle with Egypt, Octavian/Augustus became ruler.  He didn’t want to stir hatred among the people, by using his powers to the absolute.  However, he thought, wouldn’t the people needed to be protected?  Therefore, he needed the whole Roman military in his hands.  He used his power over everyone to do some things that were actually in favor of the Romans.  He spent the money from Egypt on the people of Rome, forgave people who could not have pay their taxes, and even shortened his legions of sixty to twenty-eight.

With that, he quit and gave his ruling over to the senate.  They and the people refused this, forcing the powers back and new powers onto Augustus’ shoulders once more.  Augustus then brought back old religious acts towards the gods, and adds a few more.  Also, he encouraged men and woman to marry and have children.  However, he forced them to marry too, with the permission of people.  However, Augustus wasn’t too mean, he didn’t really yell at the Romans.  He just said if you do this, good, if you don’t you will be punished.


I also want to tell you my thoughts of Augustus’ autobiography.  He seems kinda of like a show off and it looks like he brags about all he did.  I sorta thought that, but I mean, come on it is an autobiography.  Of course it seems like bragging, because in an autobiography, you talk about yourself.  It is also interesting.  You read about his life, as a ruler.  He seems like a pretty good ruler except for a few rules here and there.  Nobody’s perfect anyway.


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