The Sabbath

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As we read the Gospel of Mark, we begin to notice the arguments and differences between the Pharisees and Jesus.  However, the main argument that Jesus and the Pharisees tend to argue about is working on the Sabbath, the day (primarily Saturday or Sunday) where everyone doesn’t do any work but eats and talks with their friends and/or family restfully (or goes to Church today)

Jesus would heal sick, hurt, cursed, dying, dead, blind, mute, deaf, and other disabled people mostly on the Sabbath.  Healing and saving other people was considered work by the Pharisees.  They also considered gathering food (like grain for instance) work.  Now, the Sabbath was a temporary rule made by God Himself and the Pharisees took the Sabbath very seriously and didn’t really understand the meaning of the Sabbath.  Therefore Jesus said to the Pharisees, “The Sabbath was made to meet the needs of people, and not the people to meet the requirements of the Sabbath.”  (Mark 2:27 NLT) Oh, the Pharisees didn’t appreciate that at all.  In fact they decided that Jesus should be killed.  But the Pharisees didn’t know that that was exactly what Jesus wanted.


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