The Apostles and the Sadducees

The apostles, primarily John, Paul, Peter, and the other disciples, and the Sadducees, religious people who were somewhat alike to the Pharisees, but had different beliefs, had some disagreements between each other just like Jesus and the Pharisees did.  However, this time it had nothing to do with the performing miracles on the Sabbath, but instead it had to do with spreading the Gospel, also known as the Good News, of Jesus.


   The conflicts between the Sadducees and the apostles began silent and in kindlier way than what you will read further.  They began talking.  The Sadducees said that they would start doing things, like throwing them into prison, if the apostles continued spreading the word.  However, the apostles were said face to face by Jesus to spread the Gospel of Jesus dying for everyone and their sins to make a way for them to be able to live in a peaceful and wonderful place.  Therefore, they continued telling the people.  The Sadducees then beat them up and threw them into prison.  The apostles would then escape somehow by the miracles of God.  Eventually after the apostles getting thrown into prison and escaping several more times, the Sadducees could take no more.  They began stoning and killing the apostles.  The apostles would not stop spreading the Good News because they believed in Jesus and they therefore took His command seriously, even if it meant being thrown into prison, beaten up, or even killed.


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