The Significance of Learning

It is important to learn about our history.  Where man began, how they lived, how they invented things, and how we got to where we are today.  History is significant.  Everything that happened in history is important, and we should know about it.  History led life to the way it is right now.  Think about it, if something different happened than what we know happened back then, you probably would not be reading about the Mendicant Order, the Magna Carta, or King Philip the Fair right now.

The Mendicant Order had to do with poor people who survived in the world by begging.  They earned their money, food, clothes, needs, and wants by begging. St. Francis, a preacher, began the Mendicant Order.  He fell ill and he says it seemed like God was telling him to “Go and rebuild My house; it is tumbling down.”  St. Francis then preached to people, and the people then helped the poor beggars by building shelters, giving them money, clothes, etc.

The Magna Carta had to do with King John I and Pope Innocent III.  Innocent III liked a man who was running for the job of archbishop of Canterbury.  However, King John I did not like and said he lacked political skill.  The Pope accepted the man anyway.  This led to madness, where King John made it to where electing the church-members was the king’s job from then on.  However, it didn’t stop there.  King John started throwing Jews into prison and took their money, and other cruelties.  This all led to the Magna Carta, which was like a treaty between the English and the King John I.  It was an agreement to where the King was not allowed to do anything he wanted from now on.  He had to have permission before he could do anything.

King Philip the Fair is important to know about.  He helped preserve Roman law and the rights of the king.  Therefore, because of Philip IV we know about these things today.  We can know more about our Roman ancestors and what kind of laws they had.  It gives us a sense of how they lived, how they punished the wrongdoer when that civilian put a toe out of line, how they dealt with crimes, and what new laws they made to make civilization better.  Also the same goes with the rights of the king.  We know now how much the people must be loyal to the king, what the people had to do to honor the king, etc.  Thanks to King Philip IV, we know more about history.


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