
In my opinion, arthropods are important.  Arthropods consist of insects, winged insects, arachnids, and crustaceans. Insects and winged insects are the little animals we see on a regular day: ants, butterflies, moths, bees, etc.  Arachnids are a group of several creepy crawlies: spiders, mites, ticks, etc..  Finally, crustaceans are pretty much ocean animals, such as, lobsters, crabs, krill, and barnacles.  Whether they’re lobsters, spiders, butterflies, ants, or crabs, all arthropods play a role in life and may even be able to play a part in benefiting the human economy.

How can they?  Is it even possible?  The answers are yes they can and it has happened before.  Bees, for instance, make honey.  That good, delicious, yummy, sweet-nectar, gold liquid helped not only our tongues enjoy the taste, but helped pollen spread around the world.  This helps plants exist and grow.  You may think, “Well, that’s insects out of the way, but what about crustaceans and arachnids?”


Crustaceans provide themselves as a source of yummy goodness. (Never tasted a crab before?)  Well, not all may be edible or good, but crabs, lobsters, shrimp, etc. are eaten around the world and enjoyed.  Some arachnids eat insects.  Which can be bad or can be really good.  It is bad when a bee or any other helpful insect is caught in a spider’s web.  However, we clap, laugh, and even throw a ‘party’ when we see a mosquito or any other pesky insect fly into a web.  I’m not saying that all arthropods can play an important role in economy.  These creatures can be harmful to us, but they also help life thrive.


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