Papacy and Three More Artists of the Renaissance


During the Renaissance, the Pope started making their own problems themselves as some people were turning away from Christianity and to religious beliefs.  Some people started to realize that the Popes had way too much power over them.  Meanwhile, three key artists of the Renaissance created some beautiful paintings that may be familiar to you.

Pope Martin V brought papacy back to Rome after the Great Western Schism.  However, the way papacy came back to being known was through the ways the popes thought necessary including war.  Not only this became a problem, but also several other popes after Martin V, decided to elect their relatives as their cardinals.  One pope, Innocent VIII, even made a deal with people to become pope.  However, not all Renaissance popes were as crazy as this to go to these lengths to become powerful men.

Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael were the three key figures of art during the High Renaissance.  Inspired by previous artists, the three began making their own works of art.  All three made paintings, but Michelangelo preferred his works of marble.  Raphael, asked by Pope Julius II, painted on four walls, and made each one represent a specific theme chosen by Julius.  One wall represented Christianity; another, philosophy; religion; and finally, the classical world.  Leonardo da Vinci work’s included the Mona Lisa, and the Last Supper.  In the Last Supper, Leonardo took a small setting and turned it into a fantastic and exciting painting.  Finally, Michelangelo made sculptures out of his favorite material to make them in: marble.  However, the most amazing creation of his is the Sistine Chapel ceiling paintings.  The Renaissance was a new beginning for several things.

stanzadellasegnatura (1) Two walls painted by Raphael.Sistine-Chapel Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo.images (5)The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci.


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