Breakfast Burritos Down the Digestive System

Have you ever wondered what happens to our food after we swallow it?  Well, you should know if you are in tenth grade, like me, by now.  However, I’m going to go through the step-by-step process of the way our body digests our food.  Tonight, I sit down at the dinner table and eat my favorite meal, my dad’s breakfast burritos.  Yum… Continue reading

“Soil – Dirt that Just Holds a Plant Up”

Is that what dirt is for?  Just to help hold the plant up?  Well, I don’t think so, and I hope you don’t too, because from first grade, I learned that dirt just does more than just help the plant stay tall and all that.  I learned that the dirt has a lot of water, nutrients, and other minerals to help produce the yummy greens and fruits we enjoy today.  Don’t believe me?  Go ahead and ask my friend Mr. Apricot Tree, go outside and observe that flower, or just continue reading.

soil_rough_ground_0003_01_preview Continue reading