Greek, Roman, and Renaissance vs. Hebrew, Christian, and Medieval

The Decameron and The Canterbury Tales seem to have a closer outlook to the Greek and Roman literature than the Hebrew, Christian, early Medieval, and late Medieval literature.  The Hebrew literature is the Old Testament, the Christian is the New Testament, the some of the early and late Medieval literature are The City of God, and The Little Flowers of St. Francis.  The Decameron and The Canterbury Tales were written in the time of the Early Renaissance when some people started moving a bit away from Christianity (although very many people still believed in God and Jesus Christ as the source of the full potential of man) and started reading more of the Roman and Greek literatures. Continue reading

The Trojan War from a Certain Point of View

Aeschylus had a view of the Trojan War.  First of all, we, the present people, are not quite sure if this war even happened; but Aeschylus does think it happened possibly.  He wrote Agamemnon to express his view on the Trojan War and a few other things.

trojan-horse1 Continue reading