Jesus’ Miracles

As you read through the New Testament, you will find in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, several accounts of Jesus’ miracles.  Now, why would these miracles be so important for four different men, who were the first followers of Jesus, write pretty much all of the same miracles ever performed by Jesus?  Well, it is thanks to the Bible, God, Jesus, and my English 2 teacher, that I can share the answer.

jesus-walking-on-water-benjamin-mcpherson Continue reading

Paul’s Missionary Journeys

Paul, also known as Saul of Tarsus, became a Christian, even though he was one of the worst persecutors of Christians.  How could this be?  I’ll tell you the answer: God.  You can read the story in Acts 9:1-19.  Paul then went on many missionary missions to spread the story of Jesus.  In this essay I discuss briefly about Paul’s journeys.


Paul and Barnabas

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Hesiod—Mankind’s Past and Future

Hesiod, the Greek writer of Works and Days, tells a bit about what mankind’s past was like and the future, possibly indicating the present now.  (Since Hesiod wrote this poem around 700 BC, I guess that we are the future mentioned in his book).  The whole book of Works and Days was written to persuade Hesiod’s brother to not get the government or courts involved.  However, Hesiod failed on both persuading his brother and in the court.  However, the poem brings something else to mind, which I mentioned above. Continue reading