Islam and Justinian

Islam, found by Muhammad, is a religion that there is only one god.  We might shrug and say, “Yeah, that sounds a lot like the Christian view.”  However, there is a lot more to it.  Also, we will discuss about Justinian.  He is known for not only his code law, but for becoming the emperor of the Roman empire after the barbarians attacked it, and for several other things apparently.

   The Islamic belief is that there is only one god.  It is kind of like Christianity, but it began differently. It was founded by a man, Muhammad in the seventh century.  It began in his hometown, Mecca, which was known for its monotheistic beliefs.  Muhammad after he had spread his new-found belief around Mecca realized he was destroying what his hometown was already known for.  Therefore he went away from his home and entered Medina, where he began preaching his beliefs again.  He was successful with everyone except the Jews.  Doesn’t that seem to jump out at you?



   Justinian, the emperor of the Roman empire, was called a lot of things from my experience of learning about him.  However, there is one that jumps out at me and probably will with you: the portrayal of Justinian by Procopius.  Justinian in Procopius’ eyes was a moron, a villain, a murderer, a hypocrite, a not helpful person, a liar, just to name a few.  All in all, it seems that Justinian was a terrible, horrific person.  Procopius continues saying that that is not all of what Justinian was.  He says that he can’t exactly find the right words to describe Justinian.  Ouch.


2 thoughts on “Islam and Justinian

  1. Procopious and his secret history of Justinian and Theodora . . . .could it be that Procopius was a bitter civil servant passed over for promotion? If Justinian was as inept and corrupt as Procopius would have us believe, one would think that he could not have ruled an intact empire for nearly 40 years.


    • Whoa, thanks for that comment. It had me thinking more about Procopious. Justinian actually seemed like a good guy to me because of what you said: ruling and empire for almost 40 years. Also if Justinian was actually as bad as he was portrayed, why didn’t the people just elected someone else to take his place? I think that maybe Procopious was jealous. Just my thoughts. Thanks again.


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