Christian Living According to Two Medieval Literatures

In both the Song of Roland and the Little Flowers of St. Francis, we find a few thoughts about the typical way of Christian living.  Both agree that the person in charge is God, although, the Little Flowers, also thinks of St. Francis as almost an equal to God, after Francis’ own death.  Therefore, a typical Christian should realize that the Person in charge is God and he or she should live their Christian lives for God and God alone. Continue reading

Augustus and Christianity

Augustus had a specific view of Christianity’s role in history.  We Christians are supposed to fear God.  We are supposed to not fear opposition from persecutors.  Christians are to obey God’s Law.  Augustus tells us this, and he’s not far off from what the Bible tells Christians to do. Continue reading

The Crusades

A lot of myths, about five, are about the Crusades, but what are these myths really real?  What is the truth about the misconceptions about the wars between Christians and Muslims?  Inspired by Pope Innocent III, the Christians took the Pope’s advice and launched a fourth Crusade against the Muslims.  However, the Crusaders would soon be sidetracked. Continue reading

The Church and the Gregorian Reform

In the tenth- and eleventh- centuries, the Church become under what is known as Lay Control.  Lay Control is when authority takes control over some business, agency, etc.  In this case, the local lords controlled the Church.  This led the Church to become a part in the feudal system.  Then all of this signals Pope Leo IX to take a stand and do something.  Later in the eleventh-century, we then see St. Gregory VII, whom the Gregorian Reform was named after, in a fight with the emperor of Germany, Henry IV.  And finally, Christendom and its meaning. Continue reading

Jesus Vs. Zeus

Jesus and Zeus are different. Zeus is a god, whereas, Jesus is the God. Each have their stories; each is different. Zeus is a jealous, quick to anger, and a punishing god. Jesus is somewhat similar; He punishes sinners, but He controls His anger. Jesus loves man; however, Zeus does not. Here is their ethical teaching and behavior. Continue reading