Augustus and Christianity

Augustus had a specific view of Christianity’s role in history.  We Christians are supposed to fear God.  We are supposed to not fear opposition from persecutors.  Christians are to obey God’s Law.  Augustus tells us this, and he’s not far off from what the Bible tells Christians to do.

Basically, this what Augustus and God are telling me to do: fear the Lord, do not be afraid of persecutors, and obey God’s rules that He has given you.  Now, you may be thinking, “Fear the Lord?  What? Are you supposed to be afraid of Him?”  That’s what I used to believe until I kept reading on in Proverbs.  We Christians aren’t supposed to be scared of God, because we know He is there to help us through this life.  Fear, in this sense, means to love, worship, praise, and serve the Lord God.  Which leads us to obey the Ten Commandments.  You may have heard the following: honour thy Mother and Father, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not love another other than the true God, etc.  We Christians are told by God and Augustus to follow these commandments and they’re not easy to follow, trust me.  Finally, I am supposed to not fear opposition.  It’s going to come, that is for certain, but God says do not fear those who persecute you.  When they say mean things about you and what you believe in, say something kind to them.  That’ll knock the socks off of them.


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