Gothic Cathedrals and European Ecomony

The Gothic Cathedrals have at least two characteristics that show what the people thought  God was like.  These two features are geometric coherence and light.  What do they represent God as?  Also, the Western-side of Europe, the first to have economic growth, proved that the less government there is, the better for economy.  Therefore, what did Europe do to become the first to ever experience this rise in economy?

The Catholic Christians thought that geometric coherence, which has to do with mathematics, was a thing that connected humans with God.  For example, the windows in the gothic cathedrals can represent the Trinity.  On one side of the wall or even on each of the walls, there could be three windows, each representing their own part of the Trinity: God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  Another example could be the length of the walls separated from each other.  Some walls are separated 33 feet apart, the age of Jesus Christ when He died on the cross.  Finally, light shining down into the cathedral rooms represented God as the Light of the world.  They, the Catholic Christians, thought that God, as light, illuminates the mind of men.

Western Europe had less issues with economy at one point than we have today in the United States of America.  How did they do this?  They had barely any government, in fact, probably none.  In other words, they had, as we have very little today of, freedom.  Political centralization, aka one government body, was decentralized and became into several bodies made up of the people.  Today, we have one government or one person, the President, in charge of the U.S.  Back then in Western Europe they had the people in charge of themselves.  Freedom.  The Western side of Europe didn’t collapse very easily, either, because when their enemies came and attacked, the enemies had a hard time trying to find all of the sources of rulership.  Right now in our side of the world, an enemy of ours could come and attack our only source of ruling: the President and his one government.


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