The Song of Roland

The Song of Roland, a poem written around the 13th century, is very inconsistent.  Let’s say that you decide to listen to it as an audiobook, instead of reading it yourself.  Will it be easier for you to find the inconsistent parts of the poem?  Or will it be harder for you?  I think it would most likely be harder for you.

When we read a book ourselves, I think, we give it our more attention than listening to it being read to us.  When I read a book I tend to read and not lose my concentration on the book.  However, when I listen to audiobooks, on rare occasions, it loses my attention.  For the Song of Roland, it may be a bit hard for you to listen to and give your full attention to it.  The poem is interesting but would you be able to listen to it and pick out the inconsistent facts worthy of the following questions: “What?”, and “How?”.


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