How Do We Gain Eternal Life?

How do we gain/have eternal life?  Simple, we can find this out reading our Bibles.  However, let’s say that we live in the 1300s and Bible haven’t been published yet.  So, where do we go to find out how we can gain/get eternal life?  Let’s look in a book, called Little Flowers.

As we read about St. Francis, who lived a life of poverty and spread the Good News and teachings of Jesus Christ, and his followers of Francis’s Order, we find that St. Francis and his men said that the only way to gain eternal life was through your good works.  However, this is not Christianity.  St. Francis had it all wrong.  We can’t gain eternal life by doing good all the time.  God says in the Bible our good works are like dirty rags.  However, Jesus dying on the cross for us is a different story.  Jesus cast away sin, which made the only way for us to have eternal life.  We have to accept that Jesus Christ died for our sins. Jesus placed our past sins, our present sins, and our future sins on Himself, and placed His righteousness on us.  However, we have to accept His righteousness and believe in what He did, why He did it, and who Jesus is.  In other words, we can’t even gain eternal life, we have to accept it.


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