Machiavelli and Three Renaissance Artists

Machiavelli, an important figure in the Renaissance, loved the Roman ethic over his present-day ethic.  He wrote a book, The Prince, about how the society should use the concepts of the medieval works in politics and that princes, in his time, should be more like the princes in the ancient world.  The Renaissance marked a new beginning for art work.  Paintings and other works of art became more realistic.  Ghiberti, Masaccio, and Correggio were three spectacular artists during the time of the Renaissance.

Machiavelli advised the Italians to use the concepts of politics mentioned in the medieval works.  He believed that the state had to do what it had to do to maintain itself and stay powerful.  He encouraged princes to not have everyone love him, but to have them fear him.  The prince was to act meanly and superiorly to the people he was ruling.

ghibertiisaac72 download (1)500xCorreggio-holy-night

Ghiberti, Masaccio, and Correggio all did works that had to do with stories in the Bible.  They were some of the first artists to put to use of bronze sheets, lighting, perspective, and foreshortening.  Ghiberti, a winner of the bronze sheeting The Sacrifice of Issac contest, spent 20 years of his life after the contest creating amazing art of life of Jesus, the apostles, and doctors of the Church.  Masaccio was probably the best artist of the Renaissance.  He showed off spectacular uses of lighting, foreshortening, and perspective in his following works: Holy Trinity Fresco, The Tribute Money, and Adam and Eve.  Finally, Correggio used lighting in his work, The Holy Night.  He used the lighting as to depict Jesus, the baby, as the source of Light.

Three pictures above are named from left to right.  The Sacrifice of Issac by Ghiberti, The Holy Trinity Fresco by Masaccio, and The Holy Night by Correggio.


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