The Conquests and the Myth of the Age of Discovery

The Aztec, Inca, Mexican and Peruvian Indians fell down in defeat to the Spanish explorers.  They totally outnumbered the population of the Spanish, yet, all four Indians were defeated very easily.  How?  Historians have told us children and adults the story of people believing the world as flat.  However, that story is just that — a story. Continue reading

Bone Marrow

There are two types of bone marrow in existence, red bone marrow and yellow bone marrow.  The yellow bone marrow may, at first, seem unimportant and it does do very little but it can be very important.  The red bone marrow, on the other hand, plays an important role in keeping your body healthy. Continue reading

Breakfast Burritos Down the Digestive System

Have you ever wondered what happens to our food after we swallow it?  Well, you should know if you are in tenth grade, like me, by now.  However, I’m going to go through the step-by-step process of the way our body digests our food.  Tonight, I sit down at the dinner table and eat my favorite meal, my dad’s breakfast burritos.  Yum… Continue reading

Augustus and Christianity

Augustus had a specific view of Christianity’s role in history.  We Christians are supposed to fear God.  We are supposed to not fear opposition from persecutors.  Christians are to obey God’s Law.  Augustus tells us this, and he’s not far off from what the Bible tells Christians to do. Continue reading

The Apostles and the Sadducees

The apostles, primarily John, Paul, Peter, and the other disciples, and the Sadducees, religious people who were somewhat alike to the Pharisees, but had different beliefs, had some disagreements between each other just like Jesus and the Pharisees did.  However, this time it had nothing to do with the performing miracles on the Sabbath, but instead it had to do with spreading the Gospel, also known as the Good News, of Jesus.

saint_peters_chains Continue reading