How Do We Gain Eternal Life?

How do we gain/have eternal life?  Simple, we can find this out reading our Bibles.  However, let’s say that we live in the 1300s and Bible haven’t been published yet.  So, where do we go to find out how we can gain/get eternal life?  Let’s look in a book, called Little Flowers. Continue reading

Gothic Cathedrals and European Ecomony

The Gothic Cathedrals have at least two characteristics that show what the people thought  God was like.  These two features are geometric coherence and light.  What do they represent God as?  Also, the Western-side of Europe, the first to have economic growth, proved that the less government there is, the better for economy.  Therefore, what did Europe do to become the first to ever experience this rise in economy? Continue reading

Thomas Aquinas

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Thomas Aquinas is a very important Christian to know about.  His works and teachings of Christianity, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, etc. are important to know as he plays an important role in history.  He, however, did meet disagreements. Continue reading

Augustus and Christianity

Augustus had a specific view of Christianity’s role in history.  We Christians are supposed to fear God.  We are supposed to not fear opposition from persecutors.  Christians are to obey God’s Law.  Augustus tells us this, and he’s not far off from what the Bible tells Christians to do. Continue reading

Martyrs and Hell

Polycarp, Perpetua, Felicity, and Augustus were all martyrs, people who were persecuted or killed for keeping their faith and trust in their beliefs and choosing not to believe in the persecutors’ beliefs.  Polycarp and the rest were all killed because they were Christians and they stood firmly on the ground for their beliefs, not accepting the killers’ religion.  However, the martyrs used doctrines of Hell to try to convert the killers. Continue reading