Christian Living According to Two Medieval Literatures

In both the Song of Roland and the Little Flowers of St. Francis, we find a few thoughts about the typical way of Christian living.  Both agree that the person in charge is God, although, the Little Flowers, also thinks of St. Francis as almost an equal to God, after Francis’ own death.  Therefore, a typical Christian should realize that the Person in charge is God and he or she should live their Christian lives for God and God alone. Continue reading

Paul, Justin Martyr, God, and You

Both Christians, both believers in God, Jesus, Ten Commandments, Paul and Justine shared the same rules of God’s law.  Paul, the writer of most of the book in the New Testament, wrote in the Bible what God wanted the Romans, Ephesians, Thessalonians, Galatians, Corinthians, Colossians, Philippians, Hebrews, and Philemon, Timothy, Titus, and, finally, more importantly, us to know.  Justin, likewise, wrote his own book, First Apology, confirming what we should do that God wants us to do.  Now, let’s compare two similar parts from the Bible and First Apology. Continue reading

Aristotle’s Ethics

We all like good, right?  We all want the good stuff.  We all want that toy that will just brighten our day, that special something that we’re just dying to have, or that new 27-inch-TV screen that will complete our life.  Why do we want these things? Because that toy, 27-inch-TV screen, or that something will make us happy.  In other words, eudaimonia (Greek word for happiness), which was used by Aristotle in his work, Ethics. Continue reading

Socrates and Plato

Socrates opposed what the Sophists believed.  They believed that there was no right and wrong.  In other words, you could do whatever you wanted and that would be just fine.  Socrates totally disagreed.   Continue reading