Jesus Vs. Zeus

Jesus and Zeus are different. Zeus is a god, whereas, Jesus is the God. Each have their stories; each is different. Zeus is a jealous, quick to anger, and a punishing god. Jesus is somewhat similar; He punishes sinners, but He controls His anger. Jesus loves man; however, Zeus does not. Here is their ethical teaching and behavior. Continue reading

The Trojan War from a Certain Point of View

Aeschylus had a view of the Trojan War.  First of all, we, the present people, are not quite sure if this war even happened; but Aeschylus does think it happened possibly.  He wrote Agamemnon to express his view on the Trojan War and a few other things.

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Hesiod—Mankind’s Past and Future

Hesiod, the Greek writer of Works and Days, tells a bit about what mankind’s past was like and the future, possibly indicating the present now.  (Since Hesiod wrote this poem around 700 BC, I guess that we are the future mentioned in his book).  The whole book of Works and Days was written to persuade Hesiod’s brother to not get the government or courts involved.  However, Hesiod failed on both persuading his brother and in the court.  However, the poem brings something else to mind, which I mentioned above. Continue reading