Popes and Emperors

During the time of the Holy Roman Empire, the emperor, Frederick Barbarossa, wanted to be the most powerful person in the Empire.  As the emperor, at that time, he had to submit to higher authorities than himself.  However, Barbarossa did not like this and tried to become the highest authority, which caused Pope Alexander III to form an alliance.  This started the conflict between emperor and pope.

After Frederick I dies, his son, Frederick II, becomes the Holy Roman Emperor.  Just like his father, Frederick II tried to take over all of Italy.  However, to do this, he need support, so not only did he ask that support from German princes, but he raised taxes.  Pope Gregory IX, then, excommunicated Frederick II, who is raged by this.  The emperor bites back by denouncing the pope.  Gregory bites back by excommunicated the emperor again.  Frederick, full of rage again, sends all of popes away and says he will hang anyone who brings him a papal document.  Eventually, Gregory dies, and the other popes come together and form a council and decide to take action against the emperor, Frederick II.  Eventually, the emperor dies, and not by the popes’ hands.


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