Paul, Ephesians, God, Adoption, and Inheritance

In the book of Ephesians in the Bible, Paul wrote his thoughts about inheritance and adoption.  Paul paints a picture in our heads about adoption and inheritance when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

images     Paul says that when we believe that Jesus died on the cross for all of the bad things (sins) we have done, we are adopted by God.  This is otherwise known as Christianity.  We enter into God’s holy family.  Yes, we still sin, but only if we let Satan tempt us.  However, God tells us that we do not have to sin, and that there is a way of escape: Jesus.  We put all of our hope and trust in Him and He’ll help us through and conquer temptation.  So long Satan.

Paul then goes on to say that adoption leads to inheritance.  For example, you are your father’s son and daughter.  They may or may not leave you anything after they leave this planet.  However, let us say that your grandfather or grandmother leave you his watch or her jewelry.  This is inheritance.  Likewise, the same happens in Christianity, except God doesn’t leave earth and leaves behind you things to inherit.  In fact, when you die, God gives you things.  So, are you going to be adopted into a huge and loving family of God and inherit several things because of what this chaotic world brings and does to you?  I hope you have and will. God Bless.


Jesus’ Miracles

As you read through the New Testament, you will find in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, several accounts of Jesus’ miracles.  Now, why would these miracles be so important for four different men, who were the first followers of Jesus, write pretty much all of the same miracles ever performed by Jesus?  Well, it is thanks to the Bible, God, Jesus, and my English 2 teacher, that I can share the answer.

jesus-walking-on-water-benjamin-mcpherson Continue reading

Christianity, Greece, Rome, and the Visigoths

There was a departure of the Christians that once believed in Greek and Rome beliefs, from the Ancient Greek and Roman beliefs.  Also, there was a relationship between Rome and a group of German barbarians, called Visigoths.  Therefore, how did the Christians represent their departure from Greek and Roman beliefs?  And how was the relationship between the Visigoths and the Romans? Continue reading