
Centralization in Spain began when a marriage between the rulers of Aragon and Castile which were in Spain took place.  The heir to the throne of Aragon was Princess Isabella.  The prince of Castile was Ferdinand.  These two heirs fell in love and married each other, combining both Castile and Aragon.  This was the first key of development of the centralization of Spain. Continue reading

Christian Living According to Two Medieval Literatures

In both the Song of Roland and the Little Flowers of St. Francis, we find a few thoughts about the typical way of Christian living.  Both agree that the person in charge is God, although, the Little Flowers, also thinks of St. Francis as almost an equal to God, after Francis’ own death.  Therefore, a typical Christian should realize that the Person in charge is God and he or she should live their Christian lives for God and God alone. Continue reading

Roland and Oliver

Roland and Oliver in the poem, Song of Roland, were friends and companions in the war of the French and Muslims.  During one of the battles, Oliver, Roland, and 2,000 Franks are left behind to fight the Muslims attacking them.  Oliver suggested to Roland to blow the rescue horn to save Roland, the Franks, and himself. However, Roland thinks this suggestion is crazy and says that it would make him look like a fool to all of France. Continue reading

The Crusades

A lot of myths, about five, are about the Crusades, but what are these myths really real?  What is the truth about the misconceptions about the wars between Christians and Muslims?  Inspired by Pope Innocent III, the Christians took the Pope’s advice and launched a fourth Crusade against the Muslims.  However, the Crusaders would soon be sidetracked. Continue reading